At least the plants and bees/pollinators think so ;) I'm still cold....but thankful that I live in the South ;) I love springtime!!! Everything blooming and buzzing....

I have reached a goal!!! Well....kind of, I mean, I was so excited that this is the second "Nuc" that I've been into without gloves!!! YAY!! I was so happy! ;)

After I finished up with the Nuc... I went into the larger hive, still gloveless and confident....
Then out of no where, one of the girls got angry and flew right onto my thumb and stung the fire out of me!!! Needless to say, when the throbbing stopped, I put my gloves back on! I don't know what made her mad, I hadn't squished any of them....oh, well, gloves it is, on the large hives!
I totally admire anyone that can get into a full hive of bees without hand protection! The small hives I have no problem with, I've even gone into them without head veil and gloves and they are awesome....but I just can't make it through the large hives.....
"Welcome home honey" of my nucs. This one houses the sweet girls I had my pic gloves. I love small hives!!

Until next time!!!
